Dreams of Size 8 Jeans

Monday, March 28, 2005

Days 59 through 64- Catching Up Like a Mutha!


I've been slacking on the updates! Here's my shot at catching up!

Breakfast was skipped accidently. Lunch was a delicious grilled chicken club wrap from Arby's with an amazing amount of mayonnaise on it. Dinner was meatloaf and collard greens.

Breakfast was a cup of cocoa. Lunch was a salad from Ukrop's. Dinner was a bowl of Trix cereal.

Breakfast was bacon & boiled eggs. Lunch was a salad from Ukrop's. Can't remember what dinner was.

I did 2 miles with Fanecha, still keeping up with running 3 laps of it. It's time for me to increase my distance/duration, so next time I'll do 2 1/2 miles.

Breakfast was a ham & egg scramble. Lunch was a teriyaki chicken sub. Dinner was skipped.

I said I would play catch up on my exercising today, but I didn't because I worked like a slave around the house. Moved furniture, dusted, cleaned windows, vacuumed AND shampooed the carpet in the living room & hallway. If I didn't burn some calories with that, then fuck it.

I weighed myself today, and I have lost 2 pounds for a grand total of 5! Sounds shitty, but I'm doing it the healthy way and hopefully it'll stay off.

Breakfast was bacon, eggs and a tiny piece of a waffle...smothered with whipped cream and a dap of syrup. Lunch was tacos...ONLY 3 THIS TIME, Smartasses. Can't remember what dinner was (again).

I measured myself, and only lost 1/2 inch in my arms. I'm okay with that, because the weight loss is now going to my arms where I really need it. I'm on this spring cleaning kick, and I worked on my room (and still have a ways to go before I can shampoo the carpet). So that was my exercise.

I also came on my period. Oh well, at least it's here.

Breakfast was a nasty sausage, egg & cheese croissant. Lunch was chicken strips from Wendy's. Dinner was a bowl of Great Grains cereal.

Nope, didn't exercise today, either.

Overall: I've slacked off again on the exercise, but I know I'll get back to it this week. Feeling good, and have a slightly renewed sense of motivation


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