Dreams of Size 8 Jeans

Monday, March 21, 2005

Days 55, 56 & 57- Bored Shitless, But Stayed on Track!

This weekend was EXTREMELY boring, and I pretty much laid on my ass.

Friday: Ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast; had some of the nastiest fish ever from Ukrops' with cabbage & collards for lunch; dinner was leftover snack food from a retirement party...nasty meatballs, a few bites of chicken strips & deviled eggs.

I went on the 2 miles walk/run with Tonya & Anthony...still hanging in there with running 3 laps. I got a tad concerned with my conditioning, as I'm still huffing & puffing after I run. The first lap wasn't bad, but mid second lap, it was over. I pushed myself to finish.

When I got home, I ate the snack food & fell asleep.

Saturday: Fixed a tasty ham & egg scramble for breakfast, ate tuna fish for lunch & dinner was a bowl of cereal.

Did some vigorous housework & washed dishes that morning. Then, Cam & I went to watch Anthony compete in a martial arts tournament, and I stood nearly the entire time....hey! that burns calories, right? Went home, and did ab work...reverse crunches and the bicycle.

Sunday: Ate ham & egg scramble for breakfast, a bowl of cereal for lunch, and some tasty curry shrimp over rice for dinner...yes, I made it myself.

I tried tackling that god-awful Cardio Boot camp dvd with Tracy Mallet (where did I get Tonya from?). I must say that I was happy to increase my time from 7 minutes to 13, but I still can't complete the first part....one day I will.

Overall: I was bored out of my mind, and I snacked on a few Girl Scout cookies the entire weekend...out of sheer boredom.


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