Dreams of Size 8 Jeans

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Days 45 - 59: Still After the Booty

Though I haven't posted here in a while, I've been keeping up with my exercises....somewhat. I missed two days last week, one of those days I did exercises at home.

Squats to be exact. 165 squats.

To help get me through them, I squat to a song. I was nearly in tears by the end of the song, but this is in pursuit of a rounder ass. I did 35 minutes on the Stairmaster Sunday.

Yesterday morning, I started ab work at home. For some reason, I have a hard time doing ab work at the gym after I do machines or a class, so I do them at home. That went rather well- I did planks, reverse crunches, a few sidebends and bicycles. Then I did a little bit of shadow boxing.

Also, I went a kickboxing class.

Overall: I'm feeling pretty good. I'm starting to see my body change slowly. The last time I measured myself, I lost about 1 1/2 inch total body AND I GAINED A POUND!!!! I'm praying that pound was water weight.


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