Dreams of Size 8 Jeans

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Day 3, The Sequel- A Day of Painful Mistakes

My day started off with a bang. Woke up to a visit from Cousin Red, and that just set the tone for the rest of the day for me.

Breakfast was 3 strips of bacon & 2 boiled eggs (first mistake). Snacked on some mixed nuts (second mistake). Lunch was the tastiest friggin' chicken salad sandwich ever....from Arby's- along with a sinful macadamia nut cookie and not one, but TWO of the moistest blueberry muffins known to exit an oven. Needless to say, I felt extremely guilty and decided to go light for dinner...it was a bowl of cardboard morsels and milk (better known as Grape Nuts). How the hell do people eat that crap??? Even when I added teaspoon after teaspoon of sugar, I could barely eat it!

Even though Red was in town, I decided to go to my kickboxing class anyway. I took it easy in class, since the last one nearly made me pass out. At the end of class, the instructor led us through a series of "planks", and I complied (third mistake). By the time I crawled into bed, the bottom fell out....literally. My stomach was cramping SO bad and I was SO gassy, I went from pooting to burping to clutching my stomach, and started the series all over again....call it "Bullfrog plays Butt Trumpet".

Don't you just love reading my entries? : )

Overall: Let's just say that for the 300th time or so, I've been reminded of how much I hate Eve.


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