Dreams of Size 8 Jeans

Friday, January 28, 2005

Day Five- It's Gonna Be a Long Hard One!

No, you nasty beyotches! I'm not talking about dicks!

I'm talking about dieting for the next two weeks. Like I said before, I picked up the South Beach Two Week thingy, and I'm at a loss for breakfast and snack options ( If I eat another egg, I'll scream).

We're going to the "Funk & Groove Martini Sip" this weekend at the Hyperlink...I'm not supposed to drink alcohol, but you think I'mma miss out on a specialty martini, you're smoking.

For breakfast, I had 2 slices of canadian bacon & 2 boiled eggs (yep, became a victim of the Poots). Lunch was salmon, steamed broccoli and a ceaser salad. I snacked on a tsp. of peanut butter, and dinner was a paltry serving of sardines. By the way, I have been keeping up with my water consumption.


I was forced to do a ghetto/bootleg rendition of cardio & calistenics (sp?) because of the cold. I swear if I had gloves and a scarf, I can walk even if it's real cold outside (makes mental note to get gloves & scarf this weekend- I stretched, jogged in place (arms pumping) for 10 minutes, and did 10 minutes of hamstring & quadracep work. 4 sets of 12 reps each, alternating, no breaks in between-- and I even sweated a bit. I'll scan in the cards that I got & post them so you guys can use them too.

I'm feeling pretty good! I've been pissing like a drunk racehorse from the extra water I've been drinking...getting up in the middle of the night & shit. I have to get weighed so I'll know what my start point was.


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